The evening before the kids left on their missions, we ate out one last time.
We felt it appropriate to have pizza, since it might be sometime before Aubrey has American pizza again.
Both kids flew out of the Lexington Airport, about an hour apart, on December 2, 2015. They both flew to Atlanta, Georgia and then Breck would fly to the Salt Lake City Airport, and take a shuttle to the Provo, MTC.
We were a little nervous sending Aubrey since she would be flying to Atlanta, then to Monterrey, Mexico, where she would have to go through customs, get her luggage, catch her flight to Mexico City, and then take a bus to the Mexico City MTC.
Breck was on flight number 2501, and Aubrey on flight number 1093. Even though Brad made reservations for Breck's shuttle, there was no record of it. Luckily, Breck was prepared with some cash, and made reservations for the next available shuttle, which wouldn't be for several hours (just good practice for when he flies to Argentina). And Aubrey made it safe and sound (thanks to her high school Spanish skills).

Brittney said her goodbye's early, since she had to fly back to BYU-I to finish off the Semester.

Hugs and goodbye's
for Breck first...

and then Aubrey, just a few minuets later.
Brad giving Aubrey some final instructions and advice on changing planes in Mexico.
And then they were gone! Having a child leave on a mission evokes a lot of mixed feelings. Having two kids leave the same time, doubles those feelings. This is what you prepare them for their entire lives, and you're proud that they worked so hard to get there. But it tears at your heart-strings knowing that you are not going to see them for eighteen months and two years - which seems like an eternity. So all you can do is put your faith in the Lord that everything will be okay, and that He will provide.
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