Monday, June 10, 2019

End of an Era

Goodbye Scott County High School Band ...

 This truly is an end to the era of Scott Count High School Bands & Choirs (especially since SCHS will be splitting as half the students will be attending the new high school in the Fall). I must admit I do feel a little sad that the rehearsals, concerts, and ball games will be but a distant memory. But like all things high school, we move on to bigger and better things, while never forgetting the teachers, friends, co-workers, and lessons that shaped and prepared us for our future lives ahead.
Merinda's marching band pictures and some of  her band friends she's had through the years ...
Nikara Charles
 Julianna Johnson
 Brianna Stephenson
 Heather Woodie
 Jacob Conway
 Austin Morgan
 Ben Richey
Jade Jenkins (the only picture of Merinda that made the 2018/2019 band video...of course)
Since Brad was out of town, it was just Aubrey and I who attended Merinda's final concert and Senior recognition.
Final band concert of the year.
Final band stalker pictures!
Final remarks by Mrs. King.
Final remarks by all the band teachers and student teachers.
Merinda receiving her Senior recognition flower and plaque while her statement of future plans were read.

 Goodbye Scott County High School Choir ...

 Final chorus concert of the year held at the Singaltary Center in Lexington.
Luckily, Brad did make it to this concert, as well as both Aubrey and Breck.
 Alumni quartet where Aubrey's good friend Brittany played the flute.
 Chamber Choir with Austin Holt
 Merinda front and center with the other graduating Seniors.
Since there were so many graduating Seniors, in the interest of time, all of their bio's were written in the program, which was very nice! 
Merinda receiving recognition and handshake from Mr. Merritt (I'm sure going to miss him!)
 and a carnation from Mr. Wright.
Final choir stalker pictures!
 Mr. Merritt receiving a check for the Down Syndrome charity he supports (his son has Down Syndrome) which the choir earned through bake sales and donations from all the students. 
 Final song with all the combined choirs, performers, and alumni through the years.
Final recognition of choir teachers past, present, and future (Mr. Wright will be the choir teacher for the new high school).

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