The beginning of June brought another piano recital. This time Aubrey (and Aubrey's little piano student Caitlynn), and Breck performed.
Aubrey is a master sight-reader, and one of my favorite things to do is just sit and listen when she practices at home.
Caitlynn did a wonderful job on her two songs (Aubrey's and Breck's teacher Truett, is the one sitting in the background). Caitlynn is also a great sight-reader and Aubrey's challenge is to find more advanced pieces for such small hands.
Breck is also enjoying his piano lessons especially when making pleasant conversation with Truett, or when trying to impress her.
Finally the kids had a little down time for sunbathing.
This is Breck's manly solution for a wide-rimmed sun bonnet, to keep the sun from burning his face.
Merinda, Breck, and myself went with Brad on one of his business trips to Tupelo, Mississippi. We had a great time swimming and relaxing by the pool. Once again Breck came up with a great solution (not) for keeping the sun off his face. Afraid he would suffocate, I suggested using the waterproof spf 50 we had in our possession. He declined due to the immense effort it would take to apply it to his face (it's good to know he is all man!).
Merinda enjoying the perfect summer scenario with her favorite book, snack, and cool swimming pool (which she enjoyed all to herself) on a hot Mississippi day.
Breck was a little grumpy during our trip and he said it was due to the fact that Merinda "hogged" the whole queen-size bed. I thought Breck was exaggerating until I woke up before the kids one morning and saw Breck literally teetering on the edge of the mattress.
The last main event of June was Breck's fourteenth birthday.
He got some great gifts from his sisters (the cookie monster t-shirt from Brittney, and the snickers candy bars and i-tunes gift card from Merinda).
And we all reaped the benefits of his banana pudding cake, and Blue Bell cookies and cream ice cream!