Thursday, May 31, 2012

Other May Happenings

All good things must come to an end, like Seminary, but not without a final party at Brother Parker's home.
We all watched "The Prince of Egypt" to commemorate the study of the Old
 Testament this year...  
and had wonderful BBQ hamburgers, compliments of Brother Parker and Brother Hollin!
Also in the month of May was my birthday...
and mine and Brad's Wedding Anniversary. We celebrated our anniversary at a nice restaurant called "The Grill" in Tupelo, MS. It's hard to believe we have been married for 21 years. I hope the next 21 years are just as wonderful!

Memorial Day Picnic

For Memorial Day this year we had a picnic at Scott County Park with the Barbers', Holt's, and Allen's.
The BBQ was delicious, especially with our gourmet cooks!
All of the kids got along great, and really enjoyed one another's company.
I think the adults had a pretty good time too.
Since it was so hot and humid, everyone was up for a game of "Water Balloon Toss".
From the looks on some of the kid's faces, you can tell that it was a pretty intense game.
No picnic would be complete without a game of "Ultimate Frisbee".
I think the only reason no one died from heat exhaustion was the fact that everyone was still soaked from the balloon toss! 
It was a wonderful day, and we want to thank everyone who came out to share it with us!

Tupelo, Mississippi

Because we got out of school early this year (no snow days to make up!), we had the opportunity to go with Brad on one of his business trips down South.
Aubrey stayed home because she didn't want to miss out on all of her end-of-school parties.
The rest of us did our usual when we go on business trips with Brad: shop at the mall, and spends hours at the book store...
swim at the hotel pool...
(this pool was a little chilly)
play around and be our goofy selves...
(Breck got a hold of my camera)
and just get some serious R&R, without homework or anything else hanging over our heads!
Last but not least we visited the birthplace of Elvis Presley in Tupelo, MS.
The home Elvis was born in was tiny, and had only two rooms. Sadly, Elvis' identical twin was stillborn, and a few years later the family had to move because they could not longer aford the payments on the little house.
This statue is a life-size replica of Elvis when he was thirteen years old.
Breck and Merinda are modeling the same type of car the Presley's used to move to Memphis,Tennessee when Elvis was thirteen.
Brad and I are standing in front of the actual building where the Presley family attended church. The Minister of the church taught Elvis how to play the guitar, and it was here that Elvis was exposed to southern gospel music, which became part of his musical repertoire later in life.

All About Merinda

Merinda had "DARE" graduation, which is a pretty big deal in KY, and is a way to keep kids drug-free.
The program is put on by the local police department, and they do a very good job. 
Next, was 5th Grade Graduation, which is also a big deal in KY.
Here is Merinda's certificate showing that she passed 5th grade and can now advance to Middle School next year.
Merinda won a $20.00 gift card to Walmart for an essay she wrote on places in Kentucky.
Merinda loved Mrs. Kelly her 5th grade teacher (and so did I).
After graduation they had a nice little reception for families. I didn't realize that I was supposed to invite ALL of our relatives. I will need to keep that in mind for 8th grade graduation (what happen to the days when there was only a high school graduation?).
Also, after graduation the grade school had their annual talent show. Merinda played the piano.
I must say that the talent show was very entertaining. In addition to Merinda, there were other piano players...
singers with back-up singers...
and singer-gymnasts! Yes, you heard right. I can truly say that this was a talent I have never seen before in my entire life, which made the show all the more exciting.

May Happenings

In May both Aubrey and Breck had their end-of-year band concerts. Both kids also had the opportunity to play at Graduation again this year.
The Choir also had their annual Sundae Concert in May.
It was about a million degrees in the high school auditorium, and the girl in front (with her eyes closed) actually passed-out in the middle of the song.
The kid's favorite part of the concert is the ice-cream afterwards...
and just visiting with friends. Breck (plaid shirt) seems to be at the center of conversation (as usual).