Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Breck is an Eagle Scout

Breck's Eagle project consisted of the advertisement, distribution, and installation of environment friendly rain barrels. The idea and project layout was presented to Breck by Georgetown's City Engineer Eric Larsen (who is himself an Eagle Scout). Breck was excited about the project from the beginning, and organized everything himself under the direction of Eric.   
The fist phase entailed the advertising and selling of the rain barrels. Breck created a flyer to distribute to neighborhoods (above), and petitioned city businesses downtown to display the fliers in their windows. Also, as apart of advertising, Breck wrote a press release and sent it to our local newspapers, and newscasts--he was even interviewed by Chanel 27 News!
The second phase of the project dealt with the pick-up, loading, and/or delivery of the rain barrels. The third phase included the installation of the water barrels which were attached to the downspouts of people's gutters. As part of the Eagle requirement Breck was also responsible for the involvement and participation of the people in his troop, church, and community. 
Breck has worked very hard in Scouting for the last few years to earn this award, and we are really proud of him. . .
but of course there is no way Breck would of achieved this goal if is wasn't for extremely dedicated leaders! 
Breck with his fellow Scouts from troop 209.
One of them is an Eagle Scout and four others will earn their Eagle Scout Award within the next year.
Breck with his Boy Scout leaders: Mark Allen & Chris Thunhorst - Scout Masters, and James Jenkins - Varsity Scout leader.
Breck with all of his Scout leaders: I was Breck's Cub Scout (Den) leader, Veronica Holt (far right) was Breck's Webelo's leader and Scout Mentor, and Brad has served as Assistant Scout Master for the past couple of years.
Last but not least is Breck's fan-club with Grandma Heelis. It was wonderful to have mom come all the way from Utah for the ceremony, and treat everyone to a celebratory dinner--Thanks Mom!!!

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