Yellowstone National Park
Attending BYU-I is the perfect time to visit Yellowstone Park since Rexburg is just a stones-throw away. So Aubrey (with roommates' Anna and Amy) did exactly that one weekend ...
And so did Brittney & Sean and friends, who actually stayed in a cabin at Island Park, but drove all through Yellowstone.

This is how Brittney felt after the long drive!
This is how Brittney felt after the long drive!
I hope Brittney remembers more about Yellowstone than just being deathly car-sick!
Brittney, Breck, and Aubrey were all there the same weekend, but their paths never crossed (of course it is a big place covering 3,500 square miles in three different states - Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho!).
It's funny how life comes full circle, I just had to throw in these old scrapbook pictures of me visiting Yellowstone Park (with my boyfriend at the time), also while attending BYU-I (only it was called Ricks College back then), almost 30 Years ago!!!
Somewhere, Idaho
Breck and Iris have explored about every beautiful place possible in Idaho. Although very scenic, Breck can't remember the names of most of the places, and as you can see from the pictures, some were definitely more warm than others!

Mesa Falls, Idaho
Swan Lake Valley, Idaho
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