Back to School
Provo, Utah
Fall means that the kids go back to school. Breck and Aubrey on the airplane flying back to BYU-I.
Before heading up North however, they spent some time at BYU-Provo reconnecting with a few people,
like Brittney and Sean.

Brittney and Sean
(I love these pictures, Brittney's eyes look like they are literally popping out of her head!)

at Sean's favorite ice cream parlor, Leatherby's Family Creamery.
Brittney and Sean
(I love these pictures, Brittney's eyes look like they are literally popping out of her head!)
and Breck & Iris eating hot-fudge sundaes,
at Sean's favorite ice cream parlor, Leatherby's Family Creamery.
Speaking of ice cream, the kids also bumped into Audrey Thunhorst (good friends who moved from KY to California a few years ago) at the BYU creamery.

Aubrey visited with Molly (Hermana Holt), who is also attending BYU-Provo.

Aubrey visited with Molly (Hermana Holt), who is also attending BYU-Provo.

Aubrey also enjoyed visiting with other friends from her mission.

And it's always fun seeing Wesley Holt again who's attending BYU-Provo as well.

And it's always fun seeing Wesley Holt again who's attending BYU-Provo as well.

Add a couple of Aubrey's old friends and roommates, and you have a nice eclectic mix of young adults all eating lunch together.

Aubrey then spent some time with her old roommates babies!
(Tyler and Ann's little girl Evelyn, or "Evie")

Lindsey and her (big) little baby boy, Cameron.
(Tyler and Ann's little girl Evelyn, or "Evie")

Lindsey and her (big) little baby boy, Cameron.
Georgetown, Kentucky
For Merinda, a big part of back to school means marching band and choir. The marching band and choirs combined again this year for the Fall Band/Choir Spectacular!
(Merinda's friend Nikara as one of the drum-majors this year).
The new high school principle leading the band.
Mrs. King as band director again.
(Amy Clayburn you're my hero!)
Through the years, I've been so impressed with how well the band and choir directors coordinate their schedules to make things easier on everyone.
(Merinda is in the back row middle)

Mr. Write and Mr. Merritt once again leading the choirs (I sure love Mr. Merritt!)
(Merinda is in the back row middle)
Mr. Write and Mr. Merritt once again leading the choirs (I sure love Mr. Merritt!)
And of course, watching the marching band perform their half-time shows at all the home football games! Unfortunately, our football team didn't do the greatest this year, so our season ended a little early.
General Conference
Salt Lake City, Utah
Another great thing about Fall is General Conference.The kids enjoyed watching and listening to General Conference at Temple Square.
(Aubrey with companions/friends from her mission)
(Aubrey with companions/friends from her mission)

Breck and Iris also at Temple Square.
The kids then watched General Conference at Mom's house.
(Iris, Breck, Aubrey, Brittney, and Sean)
Mom kept a steady stream of food for all the visitors, despite having to work the whole weekend.
Georgetown, Kentucky
Here in Kentucky, we enjoyed having Katie come over for the Sunday sessions of Conference.

And eating hot fudge sundaes, cowboy cookies,and Rex's old-fashion popcorn balls (made to perfection) for dessert!
Fall Colors
The final awesome thing about welcoming Fall is getting to enjoy the Fall colors! On our way back to the office one day, my co-worker and I took the scenic rout home. I took these pictures while she was driving. The Fall colors were so vibrant I just had to capture the beauty. Good thing my phone takes such awesome pictures, even out a dirty car window (it wasn't that dirty), while in motion!
I took this picture looking out the front window. In the corner you can see the crystal
ball that hangs from her rear-view mirror.
I love the rolling hills of the Bluegrass region, with all the horse farms, and miles and miles of fences.
And they're especially beautiful with the Fall colors as a backdrop.
Fall will always be my favorite season. It is the perfect way to transition from Summer to Winter. God must have known what He was doing!
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