Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tis the Season for ... Christmas Band Concerts

 Unlike choir, we didn't miss a beat with band, and really enjoyed their Christmas concert just as we have in previous years.
 Mrs. King has done a great job this year as Head Band Director.

 (Merinda is in the second row middle, I could only see her when the band stood to bow). 
 There are so many band kids that they are separated into four different band classes. Merinda is in 5th hour band, and above, both 5th and 7th hour bands combined for their final piece. 
I like to take pictures of other kids I know from church, or kids who are my own kid's friends.  
 Merinda calls it stalking, I just call it being an involved and interested parent!
 Since the band is so large, they also had two separate concerts back to back in order to accommodate all the guests in the high school auditorium. 
 The top bands are 4th and 6th hour bands above. Merinda does not like to stress herself out, so she is very content in her current band.
The newest band teacher is "Mr." Osborne, which is so weird to me because he was in 4th hour band with Aubrey (I feel so old!).
It was an enjoyable two and a half hours of Christmas band music, and I am glad that Merinda still has another year left of band!

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