Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Tis the Season for ... Christmas Piano Recitals

I don't know if Merinda is getting used to her new piano teacher yet, but I do know she is learning a lot about respecting her elders (Edna is 88), using manners, and not mumbling when she speaks!
And I do have to admit that Edna even scares me a little sometimes (I would rather do just about anything than have Merinda miss a lesson, something that Edna does not take kindly to).
But, it's been a good experience for the both of us, and I hope I am just as spry, and still doing what I love to do when I am 88 years old! 
(Merinda's pre-performance bow)
Merinda played "The First Noel" and did a wonderful job, with hardly a mistake. I was very proud of her!
(Merinda's post-performance bow)
Merinda also played a duet, "Go Tell It on the Mountain", with Katie, another student of Edna's.
Edna also teaches the guitar, and her student Sam played "Let There Be Peace on Earth".
And of course, no Christmas recital would be complete without the reading of the Christmas Story. However, Edna did not read Luke 2:1-20, she enthusiastically recited it by memory (another thing I would like to be able to do when I am 88!). 
As I was listening to the Christmas songs, and looking around at all the beautiful Christmas decorations and the stain glass windows in that beautiful old Baptist church, it just made me appreciate my life, and all the blessings I enjoy because of my Savior Jesus Christ! 

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